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Last Updated   October 7, 2024


What is an Activity?

Activities are actions that users perform on the platform. These actions include things like liking a book, following a user, or adding a book to a shelf. Activities are used to show what users are doing on the platform and to help users discover new content.

Types of Activities

There are many types of activities that can be performed on the platform. Some examples of activities include:

  • A user adds a book to a shelf
  • A user creates a list
  • A user adds a book to a list
  • A user reviews a book
  • A user marks a book as read
  • A user answers a prompt

See some example payloads below for more information on the different types of activities.

Activity Schema

The activity schema contains the following fields:


bookRelationThe book details of the activity
book_idStringThe unique identifier of the book that the activity is related to
created_atStringThe timestamp of when the activity occurred.
dataObjectThe payload of the activity
eventStringThe type of activity
followersRelationList of users who have followed this activity
idStringThe unique identifier of the activity
likesRelationList of users who have liked this activity
likes_countNumberThe number of users who have liked this activity
userRelationUser object for the user who performed the activity
user_idStringThe unique identifier of the user who performed the activity

These schemas use the same fields as the activities schema, and are used to help filter and query the activities.

  • activity_feed
  • activity_foryou_feed

Event Types

  • GoalActivity
  • ListActivity
  • PromptActivity
  • UserBookActivity

Example Payloads

User added a rating to a book

"id": 3,
"event": "UserBookActivity",
"data": {
"userBook": {
"rating": "4.5",
"review": null,
"statusId": 3,
"readingFormatId": 1,
"reviewHasSpoilers": false
"book_id": 10257,
"object_type": "Activity"

User started reading a book

User Started Reading
"id": 4,
"event": "UserBookActivity",
"data": {
"userBook": {
"rating": null,
"review": "",
"statusId": 1,
"readingFormatId": 1,
"reviewHasSpoilers": false
"book_id": 10257,
"object_type": "Activity"

User added a review to a book

User Added Review
"id": 1234,
"event": "UserBookActivity",
"data": {
"userBook": {
"rating": "4.5",
"review": "This is a great book!",
"statusId": 3,
"readingFormatId": 1,
"reviewHasSpoilers": false
"book_id": 10257,
"object_type": "Activity"

Goal Activity

Goal Activity
"data": {
"goal": {
"id": 12345,
"goal": 40,
"metric": "book",
"endDate": "2024-12-31",
"progress": 30,
"startDate": "2024-01-01",
"conditions": {},
"description": "2024 Reading Goal",
"percentComplete": 0.75,
"privacySettingId": 1
"event": "GoalActivity",
"object_type": "Activity"

List Activity

List Activity
"data": {
"list": {
"id": 1234,
"url": null,
"name": "Owned",
"path": "@user/lists/owned",
"ranked": false,
"featured": false,
"listBooks": [
"book": ... See Book schema,
"position": null,
"updatedAt": "2024-09-23T23:58:14.027Z"
"updatedAt": "2024-09-23T23:58:14.040Z",
"booksCount": 1,
"description": "Any editions of books you've marked as 'owned' will show up in this list.",
"followersCount": 0,
"privacySettingId": 1
"event": "ListActivity",
"object_type": "Activity",
"book_id": 1108457

Prompt Activity

Prompt Activity
"data": {
"prompt": {
"id": 1,
"slug": "what-are-your-favorite-books-of-all-time",
"user": {
... See User schema
"answers": [{
"book": ... See Book schema
"question": "What are your favorite books of all time?",
"description": "What are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life."
"event": "PromptActivity",
"object_type": "Activity",
"book_id": 370893

Example Queries

Let’s take a look at some example queries that you can use to interact with the activities’ schema.

Get My Activities

Example Query
activities(where: {user_id: {_eq: ##USER_ID##}}, limit: 10) {

Get Activities for a specific Book

Example Query
order_by: {created_at: desc}
where: {book_id: {_eq: 10257}, event: {_eq: "UserBookActivity"}}
limit: 10
) {