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API Documentation Guide

Last updated on January 3, 2025


Developer FAQs

How is the project structured?

File Structure

Starlight looks for .md or .mdx files in the src/content/docs/ directory. Each file is exposed as a route based on its file name.

Images can be added to src/assets/ and embedded in Markdown with a relative link.

Static assets, like favicons, can be placed in the public/ directory.

  • Directorypublic favicons and other static assets
  • Directorysrc
    • Directoryassets Images for doc pages
    • Directorycomponents Custom components
      • DirectoryGraphQLExplorer
        • GraphQLExplorer.astro Main file of the GraphQL Explorer component
      • Directoryui shadcn/ui components
    • Directorycontent
      • Directorydocs mdx files that generates doc pages
        • Directoryapi
          • DirectoryGraphQL
            • DirectorySchema Data schemas
          • Directoryguides Guides and tutorials
          • getting-started.mdx
        • Directoryes Spanish translations
          • Directoryapi
            • DirectoryGraphQL
              • DirectorySchema Data schemas
            • Directoryguides Guides and tutorials
            • getting-started.mdx
        • Directoryfr French translations
          • Directoryapi
            • DirectoryGraphQL
              • DirectorySchema Data schemas
            • Directoryguides Guides and tutorials
            • getting-started.mdx
    • Directorylayouts Layouts for doc pages
      • documentation.astro Main layout for doc pages
  • astro.config.mjs Astro configuration file
  • components.json shadcn/ui components
  • CONTRIBUTING Contributing guidelines
  • Developer FAQs
  • tailwind.config.mjs Tailwind CSS configuration

How do I run the project locally?

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Clone the repo:
Terminal window
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
Terminal window
cd hardcover-doc
  1. Install dependencies:
Terminal window
npm install
  1. Start the dev server:
Terminal window
npm run dev
  1. Open your browser
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:4321

🧞 Commands

The Hardcover documentation site is built with Astro. All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

npm installInstalls dependencies
npm run devStarts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run buildBuild your production site to ./dist/
npm run previewPreview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ...Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --helpGet help using the Astro CLI
npx vitestRun the unit tests for the project
npx vitest --coverage.enabled trueRun the unit tests with code coverage

How do I add a new page or update an existing page?

Adding a New Page

  1. Create a new .mdx file in the src/content/docs/ directory.
  2. Give the file a name that describes the content.
  3. Add frontmatter to the top of the file.
  4. Add content to the file using Markdown or MDX syntax.
  5. Add the new page to the sidebar
  • If the page is part of the api/GraphQL/Schema or guides sections the sidebar will automatically update with the new page.
  • All other pages will need to be added to the astro config file see Starlight - Add links and link groups for more information.
Page Frontmatter
titleString containing the title of the pageYes
categoryString of the category the page should be included in guide or referenceYes
layoutrelative path to /src/layouts/documentation.astroYes
descriptionString containing the descriptive text to use in HTML meta tagsRecommended
lastUpdatedString in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSRecommended
draftBoolean value determining whether the page should be hidden from the production siteNo
slugString containing the URL slug for the pageNo
tableOfContentsBoolean value determining whether a table of contents should be generatedNo
templatedoc or splash default is doc. splash is a wider layout without the normal sidebarsNo
heroSee Starlight - Frontmatter HeroConfig for more informationNo
bannerSee Starlight - Frontmatter Banner for more informationNo
prevBoolean value determining whether a previous button should be shown. See Starlight - Frontmatter Prev for more informationNo
nextBoolean value determining whether a next button should be shown. See Starlight - Frontmatter Next for more informationNo
sidebarControl how the page is displayed in the sidebar. See Starlight - Frontmatter Sidebar for more informationNo
Example Frontmatter
title: Getting Started with the API
description: Get started with the Hardcover GraphQL API.
category: guide
lastUpdated: 2025-02-01 17:03:00
layout: ../../layouts/documentation.astro

Available Components

In addition to the standard Starlight - Components, the Hardcover documentation site includes the following custom components:


This component allows a user to view GraphQL queries and experiment by running them against the API.

Import Path:

import GraphQLExplorer from '@/components/GraphQLExplorer/GraphQLExplorer.astro';


  • canTry - A boolean value determining whether the user can run the query in the explorer. The default is true.
  • description - A string describing the query.
  • forcePresentation - A boolean value determining whether the presentation options should be hidden. The default is false.
  • presentation - The default presentation of the response, either json or table. The default is json.
  • query - A string containing the GraphQL query to be displayed in the explorer.
  • title - A string for the title of the query shown in the explorer. The default is Example Query. Change this when translating the page to another language.


description="An example query"

How do I add a new language to the language dropdown?

The root language should not be changed from English. To add a new language, see Starlight - Configure i18n.

When adding a new language, you should also update the existing translations in the astro config file to include the new language.

How do I add a translation for an existing language?

Once a language has been added to the astro config file you can create a new file in the src/content/docs/ directory inside a folder named with the language code. This new file should have the same name as the original file you are translating.

For example, if you are translating the src/content/docs/getting-started.mdx file into Spanish you would create a new file at src/content/docs/es/getting-started.mdx with the Spanish translation of the content.

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