Last updated on December 29, 2024
ReferenceGet a list of books belonging to the current user
{ list_books( where: { user_books: { user_id: {_eq: ##USER_ID##} } }, distinct_on: book_id limit: 5 offset: 0 ) { book { title pages release_date } }}
Get a list of books by a specific author
query BooksByUserCount { books( where: { contributions: { author: { name: {_eq: "Brandon Sanderson"} } } } limit: 10 order_by: {users_count: desc} ) { pages title id }}
Getting All Editions of a Book
query GetEditionsFromTitle { editions(where: {title: {_eq: "Oathbringer"}}) { id title edition_format pages release_date isbn_10 isbn_13 publisher { name } }}
Create a new book
mutation { createBook(input: { title: "My First Book", pages: 300, release_date: "2024-09-07" description: "This is my first book." }) { book { title pages release_date description } }}