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Last Updated   January 5, 2025


Working with ISBN

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of a book is a unique number which helps identify information about published works. While Hardcover will pull most information associated with an ISBN automatically, it can still be helpful to know how to use an ISBN to retrieve data about an edition you’re intending to add to the database.

Note: Some retailers may refer to an ISBN as European Article Number (EAN).

Dissecting an ISBN

An ISBN consists of 5 distinct blocks:

EANGroupPublisherTitleCheck digit

EAN: Almost always 978 or 979.

Registration Group: Either a language-sharing country group, individual country or territory.

Publisher: A unique number issued to a registered publisher by their local or national ISBN registration agency.

Title / Publication Element: A unique number assigned by the publisher which is associated with a specific edition of a book.

Check digit: A checksum character or digit, validating the ISBN.

Most blocks do not have a fixed number of digits, making it difficult to split an ISBN into its parts. However, publishers often separate them with hyphens. When you add an ISBN to Hardcover, the hyphens are automatically removed.

Identifying the publisher of a book

With the help of the first three blocks it is possible to look up the publisher of a specific edition. The International ISBN Agency maintains an annually updated and searchable database of all registered publishers: The Global Register of Publishers. In the example above the registered publisher for any works starting with 978-1-9747 is Viz Media, United States of America.

Identifying a Country/ISBN mismatch

You will often find that Hardcover has pulled the wrong information for the Country field of an edition. The second block of an ISBN will make that obvious at a glance.

GroupRegion / Language Area / Country
5Former USSR
6Prefixes of length 2 or 3
8Prefixes of length 2
9Prefixes of length 2, 3, 4 or 5

For a complete list, refer to Wikipedia

If you see ISBN 9782820344960 with the Country listed as United States of America you will immediately know that this edition needs editing!

We can also use the group block to identify whether an edition with a Portuguese title was published in Portugal (972) or Brazil (85).

Calculating ISBN-10 and ISBN-13

Books published before 2007 will most likely use a ten-digit long ISBN. Similarly, books published after 2007 often lack an ISBN-10. You can calculate the corresponding ISBN with an online tool.

Retrieving information about a book

The ISBN does not encode information such as title or author of a book. Hardcover will pull these fields from various databases automatically. We can verify this data with the help of a few websites:

  • Quickly check the binding, publication date and associated cover.
  • WorldCat: WorldCat will often include physical descriptions of a book, including the page count.
  • Amazon: Searching for an ISBN will return the product page associated with the book. Amazon has high resolution covers and often a complete list of series information.
  • Google Books: You can search through Google’s database for a specific book by appending isbn: in front of the ISBN. Example: isbn:9782820344960.

Careful: Google tends to auto-translate. The result above shows Band 1 for users in Germany, but the edition is actually from France and should be labeled as Tome 1!

Finally, you can look up information directly on a publisher’s website, which will often feature the most accurate and up-to-date data.

National Libraries

National libraries are tasked with the preservation of documents and works published in their respective countries. This makes them a good source of information about international editions of a book.

🇦🇺 AUNational Library of Australia
🇨🇦 CALibrary and Archives Canada
🇨🇳 CN中国国家图书馆
🇫🇷 FRBnF Catalogue Général
🇩🇪 DEDeutsche National Bibliothek
🇬🇧 GBBritish Library
🇯🇵 JP国立国会図書館
🇳🇱 NLKoninklijke Bibliotheek
🇵🇱 PLBiblioteka Narodowa
🇵🇹 PTPORBASE Catalogue
🇨🇭 CHSchweizerische Nationalbibliothek
🇪🇸 ESMinisterio de Cultura de España
🇮🇹 ITServizio Bibliotecario Nazionale
🇺🇸 USLibrary of Congress


Retailers are also a good source for information, for example:


Amazon uses the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) for product identification within their internal system. ASIN is not an international standard. You can view the ASIN of a book on the associated product page on Amazon’s website. The quickest way to find the ASIN is to look at the URL:

The ASIN usually follows directly after dp. For Wuthering Heights the ASIN is thus 0141439556.

Note: For printed books, the ISBN-10 is usually the same as the ASIN.

  • ASIN Collector is a Firefox extension that can bulk-extract ASIN’s for all available editions of a book.

eBook ASIN

For eBooks the ASIN usually starts with a B and is listed under Product details.

For example, the ASIN for Wuthering Heights - (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) is B0768ZM5QH.

Other available tools


  • isbntools is a python CLI application capable of retrieving ISBN information from various sources. It can also process multiple ISBN provided by a text-file or even other CLI programs.

Please refer to the official documentation for install instructions. Some useful commands:

Terminal window
# Fuzzy find an ISBN from the title (always confirm the result!)
$ isbn_from_words "mistborn final empire"
# Return a collection of ISBN's associated with a book
$ isbn_editions 9780765311788
# Get basic meta information
$ isbn_meta 9780765311788
Type: BOOK
Title: Mistborn - The Final Empire
Author: Brandon Sanderson
ISBN: 9780765311788
Year: 2006
Publisher: Macmillan
# Calculate ISBN-10
$ to_isbn10 9780765311788
# Split ISBN into its elements
$ isbn_mask 9780765311788
# Use a specific service and output-format
$ isbn_meta 9780525505143 goob json
{"type": "book",
"title": "Wuthering Heights - (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)",
"author": [{"name": "Emily Bronte"}],
"year": "2009",
"identifier": [{"type": "ISBN", "id": "9780525505143"}],
"publisher": "Penguin"}